57th session of the Human Rights Council: Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention - Intervention by the Lublin Triangle States
Thank you, Mr. President.
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the States of Lublin Triangle – Poland, Ukraine and my own country Lithuania.
We thank the Working Group for presenting its report and sharing valuable recommendations on mandatory sentencing.
Arbitrary detentions are a significant human rights concern, as they involve the deprivation of liberty without due process and often in violation of international standards. The UDHR clearly states that no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention, emphasizing the importance of legal predictability.
Russia uses arbitrary detention as a distinct tool in its ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine. In the occupied territories of Ukraine, Russia continues illegal practices of arbitrary deprivation of liberty, which is often accompanied by torture, ill-treatment and even extrajudicial killings, with a view to instill fear in the population.
The OHCHR has reported over 800 cases of arbitrary detention perpetrated by the Russian Federation, while Russia continues to deny the Office and other international human rights and humanitarian mechanisms unimpeded access to places of detention. We call upon the Working Group to urge Russia to grant such an access.
Madame Chair-Rapporteur,
We regret to see the decline in the response rate from States under their regular communications procedure. What measures should be taken to ensure that States would cooperate in reporting and rectifying wrongful detentions towards better compliance with international human rights standards?
I thank you.